Saturday, February 11, 2012

Second Annual Superhero Hunt

It;s that time again to start thinking about what you are either going to make for the Hunt or getting ready to hunt, more info to follow as well as a Hunt Application

Challenge of the Super-Friends Hunt Info and Application

A few important points:
Applications must be submitted no later than June 15 2012, 12 am SLT. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

This hunt is Super Hero themed, so keep that in mind. Let your imagination go to town. Superman Green Arrow anyone but NO MARVEL CHARACTERS !!!!  *** MANAGEMENT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBLY IF THERE ARE  MARVEL CHARACTERS IN HUNT ****
I personally don't care however with the current ban placed on marvel characters thanks to Disney If you make one, you will be the one that catches the flak.

We strive for quality items, no freebies please. Give out the same caliber item you’d want to receive.  The goal is for hunters to love your stuff and want to come back again.

I'd appreciate ALL Venders to have a hint for your item. Whilst I understand not wanting to give away your prize and you would like them to browse thru your store nothing is more off-putting then a item with no hint or an undecipherable one. If you can't come up with one IM the officers of hunt  and we will get one for you

*** THIS IS IMPORTANT ***…This year I want to do both Heroes and Villains, preferably equal numbers of each and since we have both male and female hunters  try to have either a neutral one or one for each sex. In other words you can do  male/female, hero/villain.
If you choose to do JUST Villains then one male and one female or unisex if you choose heroes, 1 male and 1 female or unisex, or you can split the difference.


Now… for some not so shiny happy tidbits:

If your item is more then 30m away from landing point you MUST place down a track leading toward it (Tracks will e provided later)

I WILL NOT chase you down.  We are all adults here and I shouldn’t have to hound you to do the things required for the hunt YOU signed up for. By the same token, if you think you’ve missed something or haven’t heard anything about the hunt.  CHECK INTO IT..  You can IM Kalel Zemenis, or LumaLynai Galaxy or at the very least contact  the officers. (They will be listed in the group)

If your information changes, or your store moves, or you have to leave the hunt for some reason, please let me know this information as well. Don’t make me harass you.

Have the hunt poster out by June 28th 2012

If you can’t do these things after a reasonable amount of time, I will simply drop your store from the lineup. It’s a waste of my time and if I have 100 vendors to keep track of, it’s just not going to happen. I’m not a mean person, I’m just busy, and refuse be at everybody’s beck and call. I have a life too both first and second and I’d like to enjoy them.  I totally get sometimes you have questions or need an answer that the vendor can’t give you, if that happens come to me, I really am nice.. Honest!

BTW I am as of writing this note card having commissioned a Batcopter based off of the Adam West TV Series only available for those that finish the hunt.


Anyone, and I mean ANYONE copy-botting ANYTHING regarding the hunt Will be dropped from hunt as well as an AR filed against them.

******************* APPLICATION**********************
Please copy and paste the following information into a -NEW- note card.

Incomplete applications or those received after the deadline has passed will NOT be accepted.

Rename the new note card as Super Hero Hunt – Your Name
Super Hero Hunt

Applicant Full SL Name:
Additional Contact Name (manager or other):
Store Name:
Store Landmark (please drag LM and put it here):
Store SLURL:
Type of Store (products you sell):
Store Blog/Website (if any):
What is your prize?

Send your completed application to Kalel Zemenis
Thank you

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